Jul 12, 2022 | Blog, Continuous learning, Early Years, Personalised learning, Research, Socio-emotional Learning, Sustainable Development
Transitions and change always take some settling in time for everyone involved, children and adults. This is to be expected regardless of whether it’s returning to school physically after attending school online for a long period of time, or after vacation breaks...
Jul 12, 2022 | Continuous learning
Although the wheels of education have been turning at the same pace and in a similar pattern, the pandemic caused a disruption that forced the education system to relook at the way learning happens. After two good years of transformation, the world has returned to...
Jul 12, 2022 | Continuous learning
Renowned American philosopher, John Dewey, once said, “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” Life is a series of natural and continuous changes. The ways of the world are evolving, and it is now that we must let things flow naturally...